Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Answers to Permanent Weight Loss Questions

2. How do I know how many calories to eat each day if my goal is to lose weight?
Healthy weight loss is a process built on three primary cornerstones:
1.  Understanding the food you are eating.
2.  Eating a variety of healthy foods.
3.  Exercising on most days.
    Whether your long term weight loss goal is to lose 10 pounds or 80 pounds, you should not expect to lose more than 2 pounds per week. Focus on setting achievable micro-short term goals. The central challenge to pulling off any switch is getting yourself started and to keep the momentum going. With success at each micro goal interval the momentum will carry you through the tough times.
    Weight loss programs, whether designed by you or a professional, are best when tailored to meet your own needs, as opposed to a 1 diet fits all. The basics of developing a healthy weight loss program, providing no extenuating circumstances, follow these basic steps:
1.  Determine the amount of calories you burn in a day.
2.  Determine the amount of calories you consume each day.
3.  Consider your exercise amount in terms of calories and modify the caloric intake so you have a 500 calorie per day loss. (1 pounds is equal to approximately 3500 calories) 


     Tammi Jacobs, Health and Wellness Expert                    
     Results Health and Fitness Center, Chandler, Arizona